Homestead High 
School Class of 1969
Cupertino - Sunnyvale - Los Altos


Acta Non Verba

The reunion is over and here are the pictures.  Thanks to the great committee that chose to give their time and effort and even some of his/her own money to the cause. 

When I am in the midst of the reunion I see that most of us have turned out to be happy productive people that enjoy coming together every five years to bask in each other’s presence, accomplishments and life.  Thank you to those who conveyed appreciation for all the hard work that I and the committee put into this reunion.  This is a gift from me and everyone else who helped put this reunion together.

Two of the people who deserve to be singled out for all their help are not members of the class of 69.  One is Sue Wentz’ fiancé, Ernie Niegel.  Ernie is from the class of ‘68 and gave so much of his time and sweat to ensure that this reunion happened…….THANKS ERNIE!  The second individual is Doug Robinson’s wife Donna.  Donna took the pictures and also participated in putting on the reunion with us.  THANKS DONNA!

Thanks to all the class of 69 for your assistance at the reunion.

Well, see you at the next reunion….Am I crazy or what?  I have always said that the last reunion would be the last.  But this reunion has made me feel differently and change my mind…It was such a joy, that even the few people who complained about the choices the committee made could be easily tuned out.  With the advent of technology, this reunion was pretty much put together with email instead of finding the time to get together for meetings.  I hope those who live locally and those who can participate online will volunteer for the next reunion—it is really FUN to be involved with it!

Sue Wentz and fiancé Ernie Niegel
Doug Robinson and wife Donna
Diane Bachman
Todd Clair
Jerry Pohorsky
Rich Lockyer
Maureen Gilbert
Tom Worcester
Rich Yacco

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Updated January 31, 2000